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Information Visualization

- by Shekhar Parkhi


Click Here to view the following analyses for my Infographic:


1. visual hierarchy analysis

2. unity & variety analysis

3. encoding analysis

4. context analysis

Video tour

Video Tour (Part - 1)


This video covers most of my analyses for my final Infographic designed and of the model Infographic that I had chosen to emulate, including analyses for encoding, context, unity in variety, alignment, visual hierarchy, color, typography and layout. It also contains brief decriptions of the five types of the visual potentials that I had exploited in my final Infographic design. This video is continued in the next video.

Video Tour (Part - 2)


This video is a continuation on the previous video, and covers my layout and the emulation of my model Infographic. It gives a brief description of the strengths and weaknesses of my Infographic design. It talks about how my design has adhered to my model and where has it departed from the model.

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